If you would like to make sure your logo colors come out correctly, use this service. Because our printers print using CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow & Black combinations), the 4-color process will not always convert or adjust your PMS (Pantone Matching System®) color automatically or perfectly.
Quantity 1 of this selection will give you a PMS color match for one color. You may choose more, if you’d like. (Excludes matching textures or gradients.)
After you select this option, pay and upload your file*, a color expert from our team of graphic designers will match the closest possible CMYK color value to your specific PMS color. Please be advised that a PMS color match will add a day to your in-house turnaround time.
Helpful Tips
- *Prepare your files to help ensure a correct PMS color match. Please supply a LAYERED file. Acceptable file formats are: .PDF, .TIFF, .EPS, Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Photoshop.
- To see the CMYK color values of your PMS color, you can reference the Pantone Color Bridge Coated color book. Look for “CP”, meaning Process Coated. (e.g. 192CP).
NOTE: We can color match all media materials, except for Backlit Fabric and Acrylic Panels.